Many owners are used to mix the dry food with fresh ingredients.If it is true, indeed, that some of these are a great addition to the food industry, other mixes can actually cause some health problems.Why you shouldn't mix fresh ingredients to the food industry is explained by 2 points:
the food industry is already balanced in nutrient supply, industrial food and fresh food are digested at different times.
Industrial food, by law, is produced by following guidelines (FEDIAF and/or AAFCO) and should be adequate and balanced for every moment of the life of a dog or cat. Then we know that depending on the quality and ingredients of the kibble we bought, this balancing and balance can be more or less real. But assuming that in a kibble or in a nibble there should be everything you need, adding fresh ingredients can lead to imbalances and overloads. In particular:
Carbohydrates: kibbles contain a high percentage of carbs , then add pasta or rice only serves to overload a body which already should not eat many. This can lead to obesity or metabolic diseases such as diabetes. Meat and/or offal: regardless of whether you buy high quality kibbles the animal protein is present in the right amount, the addition of meat causes digestive problems. The meat is digested very quickly, while the kibble remains in the digestive tract to wait to be digested. It is as if at the same time they started two different processes in the same place. This involves imbalance, fermentation of the fibers of the kibbles with consequent gastrointestinal problems. According to Kymythy Schultze, in his book "Ultimate Diet", raw food remains in the stomach 4-5 hours, the cooked 8-10 hours and the kibbles about 15 hours and then pass in the intestine. Vegetebles, fruit, yogurt: the addition of vegetable smoothies and fruit smoothie to a half jar of yogurt can be a good snack (away from the meal with the kibbles) that helps the intestinal flora and integrates with vitamins and minerals. Even in this case you risk an accumulation, but if you limit it can be done.
If not even this convinces not to give fresh together with the commercial, at least we try to give only meat and away from the meal with the croquettes, so as to avoid the overlap of the digestives (eg the morning kibbles and the afternoon meat).
But how much meat to give? Here is a problem that brings back to the initial concept: if in the kibbles there are a tot of proteins... How many do I have in addition? Also taking into account that in fresh meat the protein content should be calculated considering the water contained therein.
ast concept is what it answers to:"But I've always done it and nothing ever happened" . What does it mean nothing ever happened? Never an otitis? Never an inflamed eye? Ever heavy breath? Never a cyst? A swelling? Exaggerated loss of hair? Soft feces? etc etc.
When we look at our dog, we do not think to dispel what others say, but watch carefully and we try to understand if it really is good, or if it could be better. Taking care of them means looking for the best, not the least worse.
Di Barera Annalisa - fonte: gruppo facebook “alimentazione a 4 zampe”
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