Green beans refer to unripe or young fruits including their pods of various cultivars including common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), yardlong and hyacinth. They are known by various names including the string, snap, or French beans (haricots vert in French) among other names.
In culinary, they are often eaten with their pods before the seed matures and they can be eaten raw, stir-fried, baked, boil, among other ways.
Can rabbits eat green beans
Do rabbits eat green beans?
Yes. Rabbits can eat green beans [1] [2] in moderation. Although some sources [31] warn about giving them to these pets, they are not harmful or poisonous. Their crunchy texture, as well as the many nutrients that they have, makes them a good choice of vegetables to give your bunny.
These legumes have various nutrients that bunnies need. They have carbs, fiber, proteins, vitamins including A, K, B1, B2, B9, and minerals such as phosphorous, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, among others.
However, since a rabbit’s digestive system depends on mainly high-fiber, low-energy foods such as hay, they should be given in small amounts to avoid stomach problems including diarrhea, bloating, gas among other gastrointestinal problems.
Note that they are also very high in calcium, yet these critters must maintain a certain calcium and phosphorus ratio. This means that if you give an excessive amount of these vegetables to your bunnies, they will strain their kidneys trying to get rid of the excess calcium to maintain the required ratio.
Unlike other minerals, the amount of calcium absorbed is often proportional to the amount available in the various foods you give them.
Therefore, mix green beans with other leafy greens such as kales, carrot tops, spring greens, cilantro, Boy Choy, dill leaves, basil, mint, turnip greens, among others.
Can rabbits eat beans?
No. Your rabbits should not eat beans (mature or dried) [4] or grains of any kind since they are high in starch and low in fiber making them a possible cause of GI stasis among other abdominal problems.
Also, high amounts of starch and carbs are also likely to cause rabbit obesity which has a number of other consequences including a reduced lifespan.
Do rabbits eat green beans plants?
Bunnies can eat leaves of all legumes and bean family members (all vines, shrubs, trees, or plants that produce pods that split in one seam). These plants include pigeon peas, cowpeas, soybean, tropical kudzu, forage peanut, lablab, velvet and jack beans.
Bunnies will love them, and they contain higher amounts of proteins, often recommended for growing or underweight rabbits. Therefore, there shouldn’t be doubt as to whether rabbits can eat bean leaves, stem or plant or not.
However, like most of the legumes, these leaves or their hay has a higher amount of protein that may make your bunny to add weight. Also, as already discussed, they have a high amount of calcium which must be removed from their bodies.
Therefore, consider giving them sparingly. A chopped cup of about 5-6 different leafy greens including bean leaves per two pounds of bunny weight is enough.
Can rabbits eat bean sprouts?
Like in the case of leaves or the plant, rabbits can eat bean sprouts [5]including mung bean sprout. However, you need to give them in moderation to avoid the various gastrointestinal problems we have mentioned including gas, bloating, diarrhea, among others.
Do domestic and wild rabbits them?
With many plants in our garden that bunnies can eat, they often enjoy eating peas and bean plants. However, the damage might not be much since there are many other leafy greens that these animals like.
Fencing, trapping, the use of repellents, scaring them, as well as modifying various habitats can reduce the damage, especially if they target sprouts.
Before giving them to your furry critters, ensure the plants, sprouts or green beans are fresh. Wash them to get rid of any remnant farm chemicals.
Finally, introduce them slowly over a period longer than a week as you look at how your rabbit’s stomach is going to react to them. Stop in case they cause diarrhea, bloating, gas, among other stomach upsets.
While feeding your furry friend, remember to give them the recommended diets with hay being unlimited with brands Kaytee Timothy Hay, Oxbow, among others good ones. Do not forget they also need an unlimited supply of clean, freshwater.
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